Committee of Graduate Center Spokespersons

The Committee of Graduate Center Spokespersons consists of the spokespersons from all the Graduate Centers. They coordinate their respective Graduate Centers’ offerings for doctoral candidates, distribute the funds allocated by the Management Office, and report to the Executive Board. The Committee of Graduate Center Spokespersons elects the Graduate Dean.

Current Spokespersons of the School and Departmental Graduate Centers

  • Graduate Center TUM School of Medicine and Health (GCMH): Prof. Dr. Lars Mägdefessel

  • Graduate Center TUM Campus Straubing (GCS): Prof. Dr. Claudia Doblinger, Prof. Dr. Bastian Blombach, Prof. Dr. Jakob Burger

  • Graduate Center TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology (GC-CIT): Prof. Dr. Robert Wille, Prof. Dr. Matthias Scherer

  • Graduate Center TUM School of Engineering and Design (GC-ED): Prof. Dr. Johannes Fottner, Prof. Dr. Klaus Bogenberger

  • Graduate Center TUM School of Life Sciences (GC-LS): Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Liebl, Prof. Dr. Anja Rammig

  • Graduate Center TUM School of Management (GC-MGT): Prof. Dr. Alwine Mohnen, Prof. Dr. Martin Meißner

  • Graduate Center TUM School of Natural Sciences (GC-NAT): Prof. Dr. Jürgen Hauer, Prof. Dr. Matthias Feige, Prof. Dr. David Egger

  • Graduate School TUM School of Social Sciences and Technology (GC-SOT): Prof. Dr. Yannis Theocharis, Prof. Dr. Doris Holzberger

Current Spokespersons of the Thematic Graduate Centers

  • International Graduate School of Science & Engineering (IGSSE): Prof. Dr. Barbara Wohlmuth, Prof. Dr. Andreas Bausch

  • Graduate Center TUM Create, Singapore (TUM CREATE): Prof. Dr. Thomas Hamacher

  • Helmholtz Graduate School Environmental Health (HELENA): Prof. Dr. Stephan Herzig