
In addition to your independent research at the department or institute, the TUM Graduate School offers a qualification and further education program that is tailored to your specific needs. The program supports you during the doctoral phase and prepares you for your next career steps.

Kick-off Seminar

The Kick-off Seminar provides information about academic work and the many different offerings at TUM. This three-day seminar is also the perfect opportunity to network with doctoral candidates in other disciplines. [more]

Transferable Skills Training

Each semester, the TUM-GS offers an extensive range of transferable skills courses with selected trainers. [more]

Subject-specific Qualification

The Graduate Centers offer a wide range of programs for subject-specific and subject-related further qualification. During the doctoral program, each doctoral candidate completes 6 semester credits of appropriate courses. [more]

Career Goal UAS Professorship

The TUM-GS offers targeted support to doctoral candidates interested in pursuing a professorship at a University of Applied Sciences. [more]

Language Courses and Language Training

All doctoral candidates at TUM can take part in the language courses and coaching sessions at the TUM Language Center. In addition to German as a foreign language, the center offers courses in 17 different foreign languages at various skill levels. [more]

Additional offers

You can also participate in courses offered by other TUM training providers, as well as non-TUM providers. [more]