
The AdONE retreat 2023 again took place in Kochel am See: from October 9 to 11.

AdONE graduate Stefan Kober becomes PostDoc at the Univerité Libre Bruxelles from September 1, 2023. He will be working in the group of Samuel Fiorini at the Département de Mathématique.

Formation, Scheduling and Routing of Worker Teams for Airport Ground Handling Operations under Uncertainty

On Monday, July 10, 2023, Stefan Kober successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis entitled "Three perspectives on integer programming: practical and theoretical applications, and the case of bounded subdeterminants". Congratulations, Stefan!

Stochastic tabu search and improvements, application for physician scheduling

Optimization in the Darkness of Uncertainty: when you don't know what you don't know, and what you do know isn't much!

Column generation based approaches for the electric autonomous dial-a-ride problem

Peer Teaching – an effective learning format in interdisciplinary research projects.

From Offline Greedy Algorithms to Online Learning: Theory and Applications

Machine Learning inside MIP solvers