The clusters and subprojects of the RTG
Within the SET framework, we explore the potentials of operationalization, substitution, and integration in the development and implementation of novel UGI within three research clusters (RC), each focusing on key urban development challenges, This will create testbeds in which to explore the feasibility of the approaches:
Cluster 1 - Transforming Urban Space with UGI explores the interactions and potential of UGI as a driver of change in the transformative production processes of urban redevelopment. The focus will be on the synergies between biodiversity and the multifunctionality of green corridors in terms of natural habitat connectivity and pedestrian and cycling attractiveness. The cluster will identify innovative governance mechanisms for UGI implementation.
Cluster 2 - Improving Urban Indoor and Outdoor Climate will focus on the interactions between urban plants, climate, energy, and interactions between plants, climate, energy, and human health to explore how thermal comfort under climate change can be increased by integrating UGI into the built environment. This would also reduce energy use and the associated carbon footprint of buildings and improve human health.
Cluster 3 - Sustainable Urban Stormwater Management addresses the interactions between urban plants, water, and soil to explore the potential for substitution of engineered water management in terms of both water quantity and water quality.
The three overarching research areas of the RCs are of particular relevance to sustainable urban development, are suitable for exploring synergies and trade-offs between different functions of UGI, and are well represented at TUM. Each RC consists of 4-5 subprojects from different disciplines. Integration of disciplines is achieved by focusing on the same study sites or experiments and integration between research clusters and subprojects is achieved by joint supervision of doctoral candidates, by organizing joint workshops with milestones of the qualification process and finally by a synthesis project on UGI principles.