Statement on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice (DEIJ)
We aim to cultivate a culture and research environment as well as conduct research that reflects diversity and promotes equity, inclusion and justice. Diversity is not just gender or the color of ones skin or in other demographics, it is also in ways of thinking and doing research. We consider many different dimensions of diversity in research, and diversity enriches the working environment. Equity is ensuring that access, resources and opportunities are provided for all to succeed and grow; this is especially for those who may be underrepresented or disadvantaged. Justice is tied to equity; justice means that barriers are dismantled to resources and opportunities so that all people can live a full and dignified life. Inclusion can descirbe a welcoming culture for all in every space, regardless of e.g., race, ethnicity, sex, gender, age or religion, ability, etc.; an inclusive (work)place means that all are valued, respected and able to reach their full potential.
In borrowing from the DFG, we believe that “excellent research requires diversity and originality. To ensure long-term engagement with all socially relevant areas, it is crucial that science and academia adequately represent these areas. This applies not only in an abstract structural sense, but also to the people who research and teach in these fields.”
RTG-UGI mission statement
Within the RTG a ‚Diversity Circle‘ has been established to address the above topics. Its mission is to develop a series of diversity-related activities that respond to actual needs of all RTG members. It will monitor diversity problems and help with developing adequate solutions through surveys, regular meetings, invitation of experts, personal support and a diversity handbook. The Circle consists of a PhD representative from each cluster, the postdoctoral researcher, the coordinator and two senior scientists. It meets every 1-2 months to discuss current issues and its overall strategy. The Diversity Circle reports to the Steering Committee of the RTG.