Research Training Group 2679 - Urban Green Infrastructure
Training Next Generation Professionals for Integrated Urban Planning Research
The aim of this RTG-UGI is to inspire and train young researchers to develop novel solutions for Urban Green Infrastructures (UGI). By developing networks of green and blue open spaces with multiple ecosystem services, the sustainability, resilience and quality of life of cities will be improved. Doctoral candidates undergo a specific and innovative qualification program that enables them to conduct UGI-related research in their respective disciplines at the highest academic level, while training them in inter- and transdisciplinary research within a systems thinking approach. They collaborate with, and receive support and guidance from, leading researchers in the fields of urban planning, ecology, engineering, and environmental medicine. The Research Training Group therefore represents a cornerstone in the careers of young scientists integrated urban research.
The Research Training Group develops within a social-ecological-technological systems framework with three interacting UGI research clusters on (1) urban transformation, (2) climate resilience and energy efficiency, and (3) sustainable stormwater management. In particular, it focuses on the potential of three strategies:
operationalizing to transform complex urban environments through the development and implementation of prototype UGIs,
substituting urban-engineering structures and processes, and
integrating natural elements into built structures to reduce dependence on fossil energy and non-renewable resources.
The Research Training Group is funded by the German Research Foundation DFG. The initial duration is from April 2022 - September 2026. Here is the official DFG page for the Research Training Group.