
Engineering PhD Summit - Call for applications

Aktuelles |

The School of Engineering of EPFL in Switzerland is launching an annual Engineering PhD Summit event, which is targeted towards final year PhD students.

Each year the summit will have a theme and for this year the topic chosen is Data Driven Engineering in the Life Sciences. Participants from institutions worldwide will be selected on a competitive basis and will be invited to visit the EPFL campus to participate in a workshop and compete for a PhD Summit Prize.

  • Workshop dates: November 7 – 9, 2018
  • Deadline for application: September 14, 2018 

Up to 20 candidates will be selected on a competitive basis and invited to EPFL Switzerland, where they will get the opportunity to present their research and interact with faculty and students, both in Engineering and the Life Sciences.

A PhD Summit Prize for the best presentation and research content will be awarded during the summit. Funds for travel and accommodation will be provided for the selected candidates.

Visit the Engineering PhD Summit website and find more details about the application process.