
Microsoft Research PhD Fellowship – Call for Applications

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The Microsoft Research PhD Fellowship is a global program that identifies and empowers the next generation of exceptional computing research talent. The fellowship aims to increase the pipeline of diverse talent receiving advanced degrees in computing-related fields to build a stronger and inclusive computing-related research community. Fellows will receive $15,000 USD to help complete research as part of their doctoral thesis work for academic year 2023–24. Eligible recipients will be offered a 12-week paid internship with Microsoft Research’s Cambridge, UK lab, or the Microsoft Africa Research Institute (MARI). Proposed research must be closely related to one of the themes at Microsoft Research Cambridge (Cloud Infrastructure, Future of Work, Health Intelligence, Confidential Computing).The call is especially aimed at those identifying as part of the community that is underrepresented in the field of computing, specifically those who identify as a woman.

Further information on the Fellowship, as well as on the eligibility criteria, application FAQ etc. can be found at

How to apply?

In order to apply, please submit the complete application documents in a single PDF file to Mrs Zizheng Zhang,, April 2, 2023. Applications must be submitted by the primary thesis supervisor.

After the application deadline, the TUM Graduate School Prize Committee shall nominate the 4 most promising candidates for the Microsoft PhD Fellowship 2023.  

Nominations must include:

  1. Applicant CV with links to website and publications (if available), containing primary and secondary areas of research (from those noted in the “Our research menu” in the top navigation of the Microsoft website)
  2. 2-3 letters of recommendation from those familiar with the nominee's work (at least one from the thesis supervisor)
  3. Letter of Motivation – Why should you be nominated for the Microsoft Fellowship? How is your research advancing the field of computing?
  4. Thesis proposal or research statement (short and concise is recommended—no more than two pages including references with font no smaller than 10-point)
  5. Summary of the above thesis proposal or research statement (no more than 150 words; font no smaller than 10-point)
  6. Transcripts of current and previous academic records (Bachelor, Masters)


Please note, in order to be eligible

  • Applicant must be fully registered on the doctoral candidacy list of their Department/School (in DocGS) and be a full member in the TUM Graduate School at the time of application.
  • Applicant must remain registered on the doctoral candidacy list of their Department/School (in DocGS) for the entire duration of the fellowship.
  • Applicant must be entering/have entered the third year or beyond of their doctorate (as of entry into the doctoral candidacy list) sometime between August 2022 – July 2023 having taken into account transfers, approved leaves of absence, etc.
  • For more information, see


Contact: Mrs Zizheng Zhang | | 089 289 10631, TUM Graduate School, Boltzmannstr. 17, 85748 Garching b. München