
Prof. Samir Khuller (University of Maryland): "On Algorithmic Questions motivated by Data Center Scheduling"

Prof. Tim Roughgarden (Stanford University): "How Computer Science Informs Modern Auction Design"

Prof. Stefan Minner (TUM): "Integrated location-inventory optimization under uncertain demand: Model framework and decomposition approaches"

Prof. Stefan Weltge (TUM): "Extended formulations in combinatorial optimization"

Prof. Immanuel Bomze (VCOR and ISOR, Univ. Wien): "Trust your data or not - Standard remains Standard (QP); implications for robust clustering in social networks"

Prof. Dr. Stefan Minner was appointed new Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Production Economics published by Elsevier.

Prof. Aleksandar Pekeč (Fuqua School of Business, Duke University): "Approximately Optimal Policies for Assemble-to-Order Systems: A Primal-Dual Approach"

Prof. Martin Grunow: "Quality, safety and sustainability in food supply chains"

Prof. Andreas S. Schulz: "Traffic paradoxes and route guidance: Ways of reducing congestion effects?"

Prof. Rainer Kolisch: "Flexible Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling"