TUM-GS Community
As the largest graduate school in Germany, we are proud to bring together a diverse community of around 10,000 doctoral candidates from the interdisciplinary schools at TUM. Whether they are TUM employees, scholarship holders or external doctoral candidates, our members share a common passion for research and innovation. At the TUM Graduate School (TUM-GS), we promote networking and collaboration through a wide range of events, from our kick-off seminars and cultural events to networking events and summer schools. In various formats, we introduce members of our community and take a look behind the scenes of doctoral research at TUM.
🌍 Facts & Figures
Internationality: Research and science are more international than ever before, and this is also reflected in the group of doctoral candidates: At the Technical University of Munich (TUM), we welcome doctoral candidates from all over the world. Almost a third of our members are international, so that in 2023 we will welcome doctoral candidates from a total of 111 different nationalities to TUM-GS.
Interdisciplinarity: Our doctoral candidates are part of eleven different schools and interdisciplinary graduate centers and represent the entire spectrum of research at TUM - from quantum physics to artificial intelligence to social sciences. The newly founded TUM Schools, which replace narrowly focused faculties, promote excellent research and exchange across disciplinary boundaries.
Gender distribution: In 2023, around 40 percent of our doctoral candidates will be female. At the TUM School of Medicine & Health and TUM School of Social Sciences and Technology in particular, many young female scientists conduct research, with a share of over 60 percent. In order to further promote equality, TUM, as a family-friendly university, invests sustainably in the compatibility of family and career. The TUM Graduate School also offers its members various financial support schemes.
Representation: At TUM-GS, we value the opinions of our doctoral candidates and give them a voice to the outside world through the TUM Graduate Council, the official representative body of the doctoral community.Each Graduate Center elects three representatives to the Graduate Council, which meets regularly to discuss all relevant topics relating to doctoral studies.
💡 Stories
A doctorate is a unique and individual experience. At the TUM Graduate School (TUM-GS), we want to show how diverse and varied research, doctoral projects and career paths of doctoral candidates and alumni can be. Who better to explain this than our members themselves? In various formats, we therefore regularly introduce doctoral candidates with a wide variety of (professional) backgrounds and share their experiences with our community.
🎬 Welcome To My Lab!
What does a typical day in the laboratory or office of a doctoral candidate look like? What exactly does their scientific work entail? What kind of impact can their work generate?
A doctorate is a unique experience to be shaped by every single doctoral candidate in their way, and people who are looking to start their own paths to a doctorate can undoubtedly benefit from diverse insights into it. To provide those perspectives and answer your questions, we’re presenting our new video series “Welcome To My Lab”! In each episode, we invite one doctoral candidate to introduce their routine, research, motivations, impacts they aspire to achieve, and suggestions for those who are considering starting such a career.
Alle episodes can be found here: “Welcome to my Lab” - Video Series
🔎 Looking Behind the Doctorate
What is it actually like to found your own start-up? What is the best thing about a research stay abroad? And what do our doctoral candidates do when they're not doing research? In the "Looking Behind the Doctorate" interview series, we talk to our doctoral candidates about their personal experiences, decisions, challenges, successes and plans for the future. We also talked about research topics ranging from sustainable water management to team dynamics in sports. You can read all the interviews on our LinkedIn channel and find out more about the people behind the doctorate. Here you can find an overview of all previously published interviews:
Looking Behind the Doctorate: All Interviews