Key program details
Each doctoral candidate will have a "Home University" and one or more "Host University/Universities". Each doctoral candidate will have a supervisor at the Home University and a co-supervisor at the Host University/Universities who will jointly define the individual supervision/programme. At TUM, the co-supervisor(s) will be part of the thesis examination committee.
Each doctoral candidate is required to spend at least 6 months at his/her Host University/Universities where he/she may participate in the course offers and other doctoral qualification options. All universities will recognize each other’s doctoral qualification programme elements whenever possible.
Admission and thesis examination will follow the doctoral regulations of the Home University. After successful graduation, each doctoral candidate will be awarded with the respective doctoral degree by his/her Home University. In addition, a joint program certificate mentioning all activities carried out within the program will be issued by the Home and Host Universities.
The EuroTech Joint Supervision Program is open to TUM doctoral candidates from all disciplines. In order to be eligible for the program the applicant must:
- have the approval/support from the TUM supervisor
- have found a co-supervisor at a EuroTech partner university
- be a regular member of the TUM Graduate School (no guest doctoral candidates)
- have attended the TUM Graduate School Kick-Off Seminar at the time of the anticipated starting date of the research stay
- apply within the first 12 months of his*her doctoral registration at TUM
In order to apply for the EuroTech Joint Supervision program, please
- Contact your (potential) TUM supervisor to discuss your interest in participating in the EuroTech Joint Supervision Program.
- Determine with your TUM supervisor if there is a suitable advisor for you at one of the EuroTech partner universities and arrange your co-supervision and research stay.
- Once you have found a co-supervisor at one of the EuroTech partner universities, please prepare the following application documents:
- Support letter from your TUM supervisor
- Support letter from your co-supervisor at the EuroTech partner university
- Motivation letter why you wish to participate in the EuroTech Joint Supervision Program
- Academic CV
- EuroTech Joint Supervision Program application form
4. Send all required application documents to the Program Exchange Liaison Officer at the TUM Graduate School Management Office via e-mail.
There are no application deadlines. However applications should be submitted at least 6 months before the start of the intended research stay.
Outgoing TUM doctoral candidates participating in the EuroTech Joint Supervision Program may apply for the Research@EuroTech Grant consisting of:
- One-time travel support of 500 EUR, and
- Research allowance of 400 EUR/month during the research placement at the EuroTech partner university (maximum funding period 6 months).
To facilitate the co-supervision of participating TUM candidates, the TUM-GS may also provide, upon request by the candidate's TUM chair/research group, a one-time overhead of 2,000 EUR to the candidate's TUM research group/chair after completion of the 6-month research stay at the EuroTech partner university.
In order to apply for the Research@EuroTech Grant, please submit the Research@EuroTech Grant Application Form together with the other program application documents to the Program Exchange Liaison Officer at the TUM Graduate School.
The Research@EuroTech Grant may be combined with other TUM-GS internationalization funding schemes.
For all information about the EuroTech Joint Supervision Program, please contact:
Mrs Zizheng Zhang
International Engagement & Diversity
TUM Graduate School
Phone: +49 89 289 10631
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
Please find an overview of frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the EuroTech Joint Supervision Program below:
My TUM supervisor does not have any existing contacts with faculty members at another EuroTech university. Can I still apply for the program?
Yes, you are very welcome to apply for the program. However, as the acceptance of a host at another EuroTech university is a requirement for application, you need to find a faculty member (usually a professor) at another EuroTech university who is willing to be your host. To increase the success rate in finding a co-supervisor, the best would be for your TUM supervisor to contact a potential host. Of course, you may contact potential co-supervisors directly. In any case, you should discuss your choice of co-supervisor with your TUM supervisor before contacting the potential co-supervisor.
I am employed by my chair/research group at TUM, may I apply for the program and the Research@EuroTech Grant?
If your TUM supervisor/your boss agrees, you may of course apply for the program. Please bear in mind to discuss your options (e.g. Fortbildungsreise) with your supervisor/boss as soon as possible. After admission into the Joint Supervision Program, you have to take care of your e.g. Fortbildungsreiseantrag etc.
I have a scholarship, may I apply for the program and the Research@EuroTech Grant?
If your TUM supervisor agrees, you may apply for the program. However, please inform yourself as soon as possible, whether your scholarship provider may have its own specific regulations about research stays abroad and the continuation of your scholarship payment during your stay at another EuroTech university.
I am an "external" doctoral candidate, may I apply for the program and the Research@EuroTech Grant?
If your TUM supervisor agrees, you may apply for the program. However, please discuss your plans with your employer to find out whether there are any objections.
May I split my 6-month research stay at another EuroTech university into several shorter periods?
You can split your research stay into shorter periods if your supervisors at TUM and your host university agree to your plans. However, you will be awarded the travel support only once.
I wish to do a shorter research stay at my host university. May I still apply for the program?
The Joint Supervision Program with its benefits is only open to TUM doctoral candidates who wish to do a minimum 6-months research stay at another EuroTech university.
After application, when will I receive the outcome of my application?
After the application, applicants shall usually be informed of the application outcome within 6-8 weeks. However, the decision procedure may be prolonged due to incompleteness of application documents or public vacations.
What are the anticipated expenses for the EuroTech Joint Supervision Program?
As part of an official exchange program, you are not required to pay any tuition fees at your host university. However, you need to cover other expenses like visa, accommodation, travel, food, books and teaching materials (if needed), insurance etc. yourself. Successful TUM Joint Supervision candidates will receive the TUM-GS Research@EuroTech Grant of 400 Euro per month to support your expenses at the EuroTech partner university for research stays of 6 months and 500 Euro travel support.
How and when will I receive the Research@EuroTech Grant?
In case of a successful admission, you will receive the Research@EuroTech Grant after your arrival at the EuroTech partner university to your German bank account. In order to receive the Grant, please fill out the application for the Research@EuroTech Grant and send us a copy of your train/flight ticket/boarding pass as well as a payment receipt within the first month of your research stay.
Besides the Research@EuroTech Grant are there any other funding options?
TUM research/teaching associates and scholarship holders are usually applicable to apply for the TUM-GS Internationalization Support. Please visit the section on "Research Stay Abroad" on the TUM-GS' website for further information. Please note that TUM-external institutions, e.g. the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) also offer own scholarship programs for research stays abroad.
I will also apply for the TUM-GS Internationalization Support. Do I have to mention the Research@EuroTech Grant in my application for the TUM-GS Internationalization Support?
Yes, please mention the Research@EuroTech Grant in your application. Further, please note that for reimbursement of expenses as part of the Internationalization Support, it is essential that you mention all the funding you have already received as part of the Research@EuroTech Grant! You will only receive reimbursement of expenses that have not been already covered by the Research@EuroTech Grant.
I will also receive reimbursement of expenses from my chair/research group. Do I have to mention the Research@EuroTech Grant?
Yes, you have to list all funding sources and amount of received funding when applying for the official reimbursement of travel expenses (Antrag auf Erstattung der Reisekosten) at the TUM Travel Reimbursement Office (zentrale Reisekostenstelle). You will only receive reimbursement of expenses that have not been already covered by the Research@EuroTech Grant (and – if applicable – the TUM-GS Internationalization Support). In case of double reimbursement of e.g. your flight ticket, you will have to pay back the Research@EuroTech Grant to the TUM Graduate School.
I need to cancel or shorten my research stay at my host university. What will happen with my Research@EuroTech Grant?
If you need to cancel your research stay within the first three months after you have started your research at another EuroTech university, you will have to repay the entire Research@EuroTech Grant to the TUM Graduate School. You may be exempt from the repayment if you are able to provide a very good cause for cancellation (incl. proof of evidence). If you have to shorten your research stay but your research stay is still longer than 3 months at your host university, a decision will be made based on your individual situation about whether or not you have to repay the Research@EuroTech Grant to the TUM Graduate School.
I wish to take my family with me to my host university. Does the TUM-GS offer any family support?
You may apply for the TUM-GS Family Mobility Allowance. The TUM-GS Family Mobility Allowance is a monthly allowance for immediate family members who accompany the doctoral candidate during his*her international research stay of 3-6 months.
I do not wish to participate in the official program but want to do a shorter/longer individual research stay at another EuroTech university. May I still apply for the Research@EuroTech Grant?
No, Research@EuroTech Grant is exclusively for candidates in the EuroTech Joint Supervision Program. The TUM Graduate School supports international networking and subject-specific dialogue among doctoral candidates with strategic partner universities. Via the TUM-GS Partnership Mobility Grant, TUM-GS members can apply for a one-time supplement to their travel expenses to attend subject-specific courses, summer schools, workshops and similar events and/or for longer stays for research purposes (at least four weeks) at partner universities within the scope of the EuroTech Universities Alliance.