Joint Summer/Winter Schools
To enhance exchange and research collaboration between the EuroTech Universities, the EuroTech Alliance (DTU, EPFL, TUM, TU/e, L’X and Technion) is funding selected summer/winter schools for doctoral candidates, organized by doctoral candidates from the EuroTech Universities for their peers.
The summer/winter school should contain the following attributes:
- Candidates acquire knowledge at the cutting edge of science and technology
- Community building including exchanges between doctoral candidates and faculty
An overview of past EuroTech Joint Doctoral Summer/Winter Schools can be found at
If you have a specific interdisciplinary topic in mind that could be developed into a 2-7 day program for at least 15 participants, please discuss the idea of organizing a joint EuroTech winter/summer school with your supervisor. If your supervisors agrees, you need to find 1-2 doctoral candidates from each of the participating EuroTech partner universities. At least 3 of the EuroTech partner universities shall be involved in the organization of the respective joint winter/summer school.
Ideally, you/your research group already have research collaborations ongoing with the other EuroTech partner universities. If not, please contact the TUM Graduate School as soon as possible with names/ research groups etc. at EuroTech partner unviversities you want to establish contact with.
Organizing Committee (OC):
The OC is fully responsible for the organization of the summer/winter school and should manage the administration of it (including finance and local organizational matters). The OC must name one main contact person from TUM, who will be responsible for the administration in cooperation with the TUM Graduate School. The TUM Graduate School may assist with planning and administrative matters of the summer/winter schools upon request.
According to the topic of the summer/winter school, think about potential speakers – strongly favor EuroTech faculty staff – you could invite, and get their agreement.
Target audience:
Minimum 15 doctoral candidates from DTU, EPFL, TUM, TU/e, L’X, Technion and other international institutions. Amongst them, each participating EuroTech University should have at least 3 doctoral candidates participating in the summer school.
1-2 ECTS credits for each doctoral candidate. Each university will grant the same amount of ECTS credits for the course (28 hours of work, assignments included = 1 ECTS).
The 2-7 day program should be held on the premises of the TUM (incl. the Science and Study Center Raitenhaslach).
Verification of the learning outcomes:
Details must be given on how participants will be tested at the end of your course by whatever method to ensure that the candidate acquired the new knowledge that was taught (an exam or written report, presentation, poster, group project, etc.).
General funding
Successful TUM proposals may receive financial support from the TUM with up to 10.000 EUR to support the costs on site, amongst others catering (incl. one course welcome dinner), local transport and marketing/course materials. Travel and accommodation expenses of non-EuroTech speakers could also be supported within the financial support of up to 10.000 EUR.
Each EuroTech university covers accommodation and travel expenses of its participants, including the organizing committee members. Further, each EuroTech university will also cover the accommodation and travel expenses of its own speakers (the faculty/postdocs who are foreseen to lecture at the school).
A (preliminary) budget overview, including the estimated amount of registration fees, shall be submitted to the TUM Graduate School during application.
Registration fee
You are required to impose a participation fee of € 100 per doctoral candidates (members of the organizing committee are exempt). This participation fee cannot be reimbursed by the TUM but shall be paid by the candidate’s home research group/chair at TUM. The participation fees of the participants will go to the organizing committee based at TUM and has to be included in the calculation of the final budget.
It is possible for doctoral candidates from non-EuroTech universties to also participate in the summer/winter school. In this case, the registration fee should be adjusted to - at least partially - meet the expenses for accommodation, transport on site, food etc. The participation fees of the participants will go to the organizing committee based at TUM and has to be included in the calculation of the final budget.
How to apply
To host a Joint EuroTech winter/summer school, please submitt the following documents to the TUM Graduate School (international(at)
- Summer/winter school proposal form
- Detailed summer/winter school proposal (2-3 pages)
- Program (1 page)
- (estimated) Budget overview
- Support letters from the professors/ academics from at least 3 of the EuroTech partner universities