Mental Health and Wellbeing
According to the WHO definition, mental health is “a state of well-being in which a person is able to fulfill their abilities, cope with the normal stresses of life, work productively, and contribute to their community.” A conscious approach to one's own mental health is therefore essential for a successful doctorate and sustainable personal well-being during the doctoral process.
Doctoral candidates, in particular, with their various tasks, obligations, and roles/functions, are confronted with a variety of challenges and stressful situations in everyday life, which can have a negative impact on their mental health. TUM and the TUM Graduate School are therefore committed to promoting the awareness of our doctoral candidates and their supervisors regarding the issue of mental health during the doctorate and offer a range of support services.
Offers of the TUM Graduate School
Every semester, the TUM Graduate School offers TUM doctoral candidates a wide range of courses on mental health, dealing with and coping with stressful situations, and resilience. Further information about our transferable skills course offers can be found in the section transferable skills training.
Emotionen wirken. Dies gilt auch für das “Projekt Promotion”. Sind wir positiv gestimmt, arbeiten wir motivierter und mit mehr Energie. Kreisen wir um negative Gedanken, leidet unsere Produktivität. In diesem Workshop werden wir gemeinsam (negativen) Gefühlszustände während der Promotion thematisieren und einen produktiveren Umgang mit ihnen entwickeln. Denn unsere Emotionen sind keine unveränderlichen Tatsachen, die es zu bedauern gilt. Es sind vielmehr bewusste Zustände, die sich aktiv managen lassen. Dadurch wiederum lässt es sich nicht nur produktiver, sondern auch stressfreier und gesünder promovieren.
Wir alle kennen die Situation: Wenn sich die Aufgaben häufen, springen wir oft minütlich zwischen unzähligen Tabs im Browser hin- und her, um möglichst alle dringenden Projekte am Laufen zu halten und zeitgleich auch noch die Promotion voranzutreiben. Auch mental laufen viele Anwendungen und Prozesse gleichzeitig ab, um die Datenmengen des Forschungsprojektes zu verarbeiten. Doch was passiert, wenn wir die Tabs schließen, die Anwendungen herunterfahren und den Laptop zuklappen? Meist laufen die mentalen Prozesse im Hintergrund dennoch weiter.
In diesem Workshop tauchen wir ein in die enorme Kraft der Stille inmitten des kreativen Schaffensprozesses. Mittels geführter Mindfulness-Übungen kommen wir zurück zu einem Erleben, das vielen oftmals gänzlich fremd geworden ist: Ruhe im Kopf. Der Workshop vermittelt alltagstaugliche Tools, um auch im Alltag jederzeit Zugang zu dieser Stille zu finden.
Which experiment should I do next? Which job offer should I accept? What would be the best next move? Where should I focus my efforts? The path of the academic is full of decisions, and they all seem crucial. However, many of the hurdles we face in our decision-making stem from the way we think about the decisions themselves and a number of documented cognitive biases. In this workshop, we will work on the emotional and psychological aspects of decision-making, such as worry, procrastination, regret, and decision paralysis. We will also review the most common biases affecting our decision-making process as academics and practice some useful tools and strategies to reduce their impact.
Um produktiv und gelassen zu sein, muss man den Anforderungen gewachsen sein, die wir selbst und andere an uns stellen. Dies wird durch unsere Einstellung, Energie und unsere Strategien zu mehr Produktivität und Gelassenheit beeinflusst. Ziel dieses Workshops ist es, gemeinsam Lösungen für Produktivität und Gelassenheit zu erarbeiten, die zur eigenen Persönlichkeit und der aktuellen Promotionssituation passen.
Mental leistungsfähig und gesund zu bleiben, scheint oft ein Buch mit sieben Siegeln zu sein. Denn äußere Anforderungen ändern sich ständig und in atemberaubendem Tempo, positiver und negativer Stress sind ein normaler Bestandteil unseres Lebens. Die Kunst ist es, alle Bälle in der Luft zu halten und gleichzeitig auf sich selbst zu achten. Durch den Vortrag erhalten Sie Impulse für Ihre persönliche Widerstandskraft und dafür, mental leistungsfähig und gesund zu bleiben
This training covers the basics of mindfulness for doctoral candidates to improve their quality of life and reduce negative stress responses. The sessions will consist of guided meditation practices, body postures, discussions, and self-reflection.
Teilnehmende lernen, mit Anforderungssituationen so gut umzugehen, dass sie daraus wachsen, Resilienz entwickeln und Selbstvertrauen stärken. Sie lernen mit Misserfolgen konstruktiv umzugehen. Sie wissen, worauf sie bei der Selbst-Organisation achten müssen, damit die hohe Aufgabenlast zu bewältigen bleibt.
Resilience has been proven to help people not only succeed but also thrive when facing obstacles and stress. Managing change is a challenge and can often leave us feeling low on emotional and mental resources, but thankfully, resilience and grit are something that can be learned and trained. This workshop focuses on identifying and building the elements that make us mentally and emotionally resistant to stress and pressure. Participants will learn skills for emotional regulation, sharpen their emotional awareness, gain techniques to reduce anxiety and stress and understand how to use reframing strategies to make situations more manageable.
When writing a paper or thesis, doctoral candidates have to face several challenges. The text has to address the target readership, be structured logically and stringently, and be written in a precise and concise style. Moreover, the writing process has to be brought in line with professional and personal duties. The complexity of such a writing project can be overwhelming, leading to a lack of motivation and enhanced procrastination, especially when writing alone as an isolated author. In between writing sessions, yoga sessions, and mindfulness practices will help to relax and refresh the body and mind. Participants learn how to connect to the body and use mindfulness as a tool to gain and maintain focus to avoid procrastination. During the yoga practice, we develop clarity and positivity towards the writing process.
Sport and exercise
Doctoral candidates benefit from various sports facilities and infrastructure directly at different TUM locations. The TUM4Health website at provides an overview of various sports facilities, such as beach volleyball, table tennis, showers, and changing rooms at our TUM locations in Munich city center, Olympic Park, and Garching. Doctoral candidates at the Freising-Weihenstephan site will find outdoor sports facilities directly on Weihenstephaner Berg.
Doctoral candidates with TUM enrollment, TUM employees, and their families can participate in the University Sports Center (Zentraler Hochschulsport, ZHS). The University Sports Center (ZHS), with locations in Munich and Freising, among others, offers members of Munich's universities a wide range of sports classes and training in team sports, climbing, fitness and health, martial arts, dance, new and intramural activities, gymnastics and track and field, and water and winter sports.
Doctoral candidates based at the TUM Campus Straubing also have a wide range of sports programs and sports courses. Doctoral candidates at the TUM Campus Heilbronn can find a wide range of sports activities for their location at
Emergency crisis situations
Emergency Room - Clinic and Polyclinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
The Emergency Room of the Clinic and Polyclinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at LMU Munich offers rapid help in existential life crises. The psychiatric walk-in clinic is available 24 hours a day to anyone seeking help. Nußbaumstraße 7, 80336 Munich, Monday to Friday 09:00 - 12:00 and 14:00 - 15:00: 089 4400 - 55020, outside these hours: 089 4400 - 55511, - 55512.
Krisendienst Bayern
Krisendienste Bayern is a mental health crisis lifeline. It provides free and confidential emotional support via telephone to people in emotional distress or in suicidal crisis under the phone number 0800 / 655 3000 around the clock every day of the year. Counseling is available in over 120 languages. Simply say your preferred language on the phone once you are connected to the counselors. The interpreter is usually available within a few minutes.
- TUMgesund – Workplace health promotion at TUM
TUMgesund offers TUM employees a wide range of services and information on all aspects of health promotion, including sports and exercise programs, nutrition tips, flu vaccinations, and a variety of lectures on promoting mental and physical health.
- TUM horizons
Every semester, TUM horizons offers TUM employees various training and courses on mental health and resilience, as well as guided mindfulness exercises, mediation exercises for everyday life, and impulse training for a conscious start to the day.
- Betriebsärztlicher Dienst
The Betriebsärztlicher Dienst (TUM company doctors) are available to all TUM employees to answer questions about health protection in the workplace. The company medical service also carries out examinations with regard to specific hazards in the workplace.
- Betriebspsycholigischer Dienst
The Betriebspsycholigischer Dienst (TUM's company psychology service) offers TUM employees assistance and counseling on psychosocial issues. This includes not only problems resulting directly from work but also difficulties from the private environment that may have an impact on professional performance.
- KHG and EHG - university communities at TUM
The Catholic and Protestant university communities at TUM offer an extensive program every semester, ranging from yoga and meditation workshops to (psychological) counseling services.,
- Institute of Nutritional Medicine - TUM Klinikum rechts der Isar
The Institute of Nutritional Medicine treats patients with nutrition-related diseases (e.g., diabetes, obesity) but also offers individual counseling and courses on proper nutrition and nutritional check-ups.
- Die Münchner Insel: Crisis and life counseling
The Münchner Insel offers personal counseling in crisis situations with professional counselors anonymously, without prior appointment, and free of charge. Opening hours: Mon-Fri: 9.00-18.00, Thurs: 11.00-18.00, Marienplatz basement, phone: 089 / 22 00 41.
- ARCHE Suicide Prevention and Help in Life Crises e.V.
ARCHE offers crisis intervention to people in a life crisis or at risk of suicide. In addition to individual counseling, there is also the option of couples and family counseling. Appointments can be made by phone at 089 334041, Saarstr. 5, 80797 Munich,
Telephone counseling
Catholic telephone counseling service: 0800 11 10 222,
Protestant telephone counseling service in Munich: 0800 11 10 111,
Muslim counseling hotline: 030 44 35 09 821, /
General telephone counseling service: 0800 1110111,; overview of international help services in the national language:
- Nightline München
The Nightline is a telephone helpline by students for students in Munich. Students work at The Nightline on a voluntary basis and offer a sympathetic ear to the problems and concerns of other students and doctoral candidates. Available by phone from Mon-Sat, 21:00 - 00:30 during the lecture period,
- Studierendenwerk München Oberbayern
Doctoral candidates enrolled at TUM can contact the Psychotherapeutic and Psychosocial Counseling Service offered by the Studierendenwerk München Oberbayern (student union).
- Clinic and Polyclinic for Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, TUM Klinikum rechts der Isar
Treatment focuses on a range of therapies for anxiety disorders, trauma disorders, sexual disorders, and depression, among others. Walk-in clinic & consultation hours at