Career Goal UAS Professorship
Project Attract2HM
As part of the project "Attract2HM", TUM-GS supports the qualification of doctoral candidates who are interested in pursuing a professorship at a University of Applied Sciences.
Attract2HM is a project at the TUM Graduate School that takes place in cooperation with the Munich University of Applied Sciences and is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. The project’s goal is to make the steps towards a professorship at a University of Applied Sciences for doctoral candidates easier to plan and to put into action. Many doctoral candidates are not aware that becoming a professor at a UAS could be a viable career option for them or they do not know what an application would entail. Within Attract2HM, the TUM Graduate School offers a program helping doctoral candidates on their way to a professorship.
Interested doctoral candidates will get...
- information about the most important requirements for a professorship at a UAS and what to think about when applying;
- support in specific workshops that help with career planning and the development of a pertinent profile;
- networking opportunities with UAS-professors who offer their expertise and experience within a Mentoring program;
- assistance by a professional coach who provides help with topics such as decision making, application strategies and training for job interviews.
Info event on 11 March 2025
Karriereweg Professur an einer Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften (HAW)
This event introduces the career option of a professorship at a University of Applied Sciences (UAS) and presents practical information for the appointment process. The differences between the university system and the changing landscape of Universities of Applied Sciences, as well as the requirements profile of a professorship at a UAS, will be addressed. Prof. Dr. Christina Rothaar from Hochschule München will provide insights into the everyday life of an UAS professor and her personal path to this position. After the presentations, there will be ample opportunity for questions and networking.
Please be advised that the event is held in German.
Date: 11 March 2025, 5:00-7:00 p.m.
Place: TUM Graduate School: Boltzmannstraße 17, 85748 Garching bei München. Room E003
Registration: (Registration is possible from January 14, 2025)
For external guests (e.g. doctoral candidates not at TUM, postdocs), please send an email to dagna.zinkhahn(at) (Registration possible until March 10, 2025).
Mentoring Program
As part of the Attract2HM project, the TUM Graduate School, in collaboration with the Hochschule München (HM) has developed a mentoring program. Our program connects professors at the HM with TUM doctoral candidates as mentors and mentees. The aim of the mentoring program is to support doctoral candidates in deepening their understanding of the requirements for a professorship at universities of applied sciences (UAS). Through close contact and exchange with professors, TUM doctoral candidates can learn how UAS-professors link theory and praxis. Furthermore, our program provides the opportunity to establish a vibrant tandem relationship based on the rich engage of academic experiences.
If you are interested in participating in our mentoring program, please scan the QR code or follow this link:
Please keep in mind that this program requires advanced knowledge of German, as German is the primary language of instruction at UAS in Germany. For a professorship at these institutions, native language skills (C1-C2 according to the CEFR) are generally expected.
Information Events
At our information events, doctoral candidates, postdocs and other interested parties have the opportunity to find out more about UAS professorships. In an interactive evening, we inform you about the requirements for a UAS professorship. We answer questions such as: What is the job profile of a UAS professor? How is it different from working at a university? How do I become a UAS professor? An invited TUM alumnus and current UAS professor gives personal insights into this exciting profession and talks about their career path to a professorship. Time for questions, discussions and networking is allotted afterwards.
Info event on 28 April 2022
Prof. Dr. Wallentowitz and Prof. Dr. Thurner accompanied us during our information event on 28 April 2022. They are both professors at the Department of Computer Sciences and Mathematics at the Munich University of Applied Sciences (HM). Dr. Wallentowitz did his doctorate at the TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology (Chair of Integrated Systems) and works as a professor since 2019. Dr. Thurner became professor in 2007 and pursued her doctorate at the Chair of Software and Systems Engineering at the TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology as well.
Info event on 23 November 2023
In 2021, Dr. Schmidtner became professor of Sustainable Urban Development and Artificial Intelligence at the TH Ingolstadt. She told us about her path to this professorship during our information event on November 23, 2022. For instance, she shared with us how she prepared for a trial lecture and talked about her collaborations with various industry partners. Prof. Dr. Schmidtner did her doctoral research at the Chair of Empirical Educational Research from the TUM School of Social Sciences and Technology.
Info event on 16 May 2023
Prof. Dr. Christian Zang shared with us how he combines his research interest in the environment with his passion for teaching as a professor for Forests and Climate Change. At our information event held on May 16, 2023, Dr. Zang told us how his doctoral and post-doctoral research at TUM enabled him to receive a Professorship at the University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan Triesdorf.
Info event on 25 January 2024
During our information event on Jan 25, 2024, Dr. Anderl shared with us her path to a UAS professorship at the Munich University of Applied Sciences (HM). She did her doctoral studies in Marketing at TUM, the University of Passau, and the University of Massachusetts Boston. After a 3-year application process, she became Professor for Digital Transformation in 2019 at the faculty of Business Administration.
Info event on 12 November 2024
Prof. Dr. Matthias Huber has been working at the Institute for New Energy Systems at Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences since 2023. He completed his doctorate at TUM with the topic “Flexibility in Power Systems - Requirements, Modeling, and Evaluation”. At our information event on 12 November 2024, he reported on his career as a UAS-professor and his professional stations, including his activities in industry. He answered numerous participant questions, gave valuable tips and offered exciting insights into his day-to-day work.
Career counseling
Are you interested in the career option of a professorship at a University of Applied Sciences? You can get help with all of your questions around the application and appointment process by contacting the career counseling service. If you do not have any concrete plans yet but are interested in career perspectives outside of the traditional academic path, the career counseling is also open to you.
For an appointment, please contact Dr. Dagna Zinkhahn (dagna.zinkhahn(at)
If you would like to inform yourself about a UAS professorship as a future career opportunity, you can check out the following links. Please be aware that most of these links are in German because UAS professorships require a native-level of German language proficiency (C1 – C2).
1. Useful links
General information, job offers, personal statements, and events around a UAS professorship in Bavaria.
General information, personal statements, and job offers for UAS professorships in Germany.
Information regarding the application documents and demo lesson to acquire a UAS professorship.
A step-by-step guide to becoming a UAS professor.
Information about the job profile, appointment requirements, funding programs from the State Conference of Equal Opportunities Officers at UAS in Baden-Württemberg
Campaign by the State Conference of Women and Equal Opportunities Representatives at Bavarian Universities
Information about various career profiles for scientists, with expert interviews
2. Reading suggestions
- Döhling-Wölm, Jasmin (2020): Karriere, Macht und Netzwerke. Spielregeln für die Karriereentwicklung, Verlag Barbara Budrich.
- Evans, Teresa M., Lundsteen, Natalie u. Vanderford, Nathan L. (2017): ReSearch. A Career Guide for Scientists, Academic Press. [E-Book:]
- Färber, Christine u. Riedler, Ute (2016): Black Box Berufung. Strategien auf dem Weg zur Professur, Campus Verlag.
- Hammerschmidt, Anette u. Enke, Neela (2020): Forschen – Lehren – Führen. Das ABC für die Hochschulkarriere, UVK Verlag. [E-Book:]
- Kelsky, Karen (2015): The Professor is In. The Essential Guide to Turning your Ph.D. into a Job, Three Rivers Press. [E-Book:]
- Müller, Mirjam (2017): Karriere nach der Wissenschaft. Alternative Berufswege für Promovierte, Campus Verlag. [E-Book:]
- Müller, Mirjam (2023): Bewerben auf Juniorprofessuren und Professuren. Strategien für die ersten Berufungsverfahren. Campus Verlag.