
N2 Survey 2021 – TUM Graduate Council

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Take part in the N2 Survey now! The TUM Graduate Council needs your help to implement and represent your interests during your doctorate at TUM in order to improve the situation of all doctoral candidates.

N2 Survey out now
TUM Graduate Council

The survey aims to provide a clear picture of the situation of doctoral researchers at TUM and in Germany's non-university research organizations. This includes demographics, working conditions, the quality of the supervision, caring responsibilities, experiences with power abuse and discrimination, mental health, and the impact of COVID-19.

For more information and where to participate, please click the survey link here. Survey time is from October 15th to November 30th, 2021.

The survey is voluntary for all doctoral researchers at TUM. An associated survey will be run at the Helmholtz Association, IPP community Mainz, Leibniz Association, and Max Planck Society. They are united in the N2 'Network of Networks' representing the doctoral researchers in all these organizations. Should you be affiliated with more than one of the participating organizations (e.g. a MPS institute or the Helmholtz Center Munich and TUM) and receive the survey via different channels, please choose the organization you feel mainly represented by.