TUM-UQ Mobility Programs
TUM-UQ Joint Supervision Program
TUM and the University of Queensland (UQ) have established a joint supervision program for doctoral candidates. As highly ranked institutions, and research partners, the program aims to strengthen research linkages and provide opportunities for doctoral candidates from each university to extend and enhance their doctoral research work.
Key program details
Doctoral candidates from TUM participating in the joint supervision program will be enrolled as non-award doctoral candidates at the University of Queensland for stays of at least 12 months. They are not charged tuition fees but student services amenities fees may apply. TUM participants may participate in the professional development activities and other doctoral qualification options provided by UQ during their research stay. These courses will be recognized by the graduate center in question at TUM whenever possible.
During their research period at UQ TUM candidates will have full access to UQ library, laboratory, and other resources comparable to locally-enrolled doctoral candidates, such as the UQ Career Development Framework.
The candidates will have at least one supervisor at each institution from the start of their doctoral project. Both supervisors will be jointly responsible for the progress of the doctoral degree work as well as the thesis supervision and examination. Progression milestones will follow TUM guidelines for TUM home students.
After successful graduation, TUM doctoral candidates will be awarded with the respective TUM doctoral degree. However, TUM will issue a special TUM doctoral diploma mentioning the TUM-UQ joint supervision program, as well as the co-supervisor from UQ.
The TUM-UQ Joint Supervision Program is open to TUM doctoral candidates from all disciplines. In order to be eligible for the program the applicant must:
- have the approval/support from the TUM supervisor
- have found a co-supervisor at UQ
- be a regular member of the TUM Graduate School (no guest doctoral candidates)
- have attended the TUM Graduate School Kick-Off Seminar at the time of the anticipated mobility starting date
- apply within the first 12 months of his or her doctoral registration at TUM
- meet UQ’s English language proficiency requirements (if you are unable to provide test results please contact the Exchange Advisor listed below)
In order to apply for the program, please
- Contact your (potential) TUM supervisor to discuss your interest in participating in the TUM-UQ Joint Supervision Program.
- Contact one of UQ's Schools/Institutes to determine if there is a suitable advisor for you and to arrange your co-supervision and research stay(s).
- Once the School/Institute invites you to apply, you will need to complete the Application for Joint Supervision form and write a motivation letter, as well as submit an academic CV and an evidence of English language proficiency.
- Send all required application documents to the Program Exchange Liaison Officer at the TUM Graduate School Management Office.
- Upon approval of the application by TUM, the UQ Graduate School will issue an offer letter and package.
Due to semester start onboarding events and courses, there are four preferred intakes at UQ each year in January, April, July and October. Please apply at least 3 months in advance of your intended start date.
Outgoing TUM doctoral candidates participating in the TUM-UQ Joint Supervision Program may apply for the Research@UQ Grant consisting of:
- one-time travel support 1,000 Euro (based on the actual ticket price)
- 400 EUR per month to support accommodation and living expenses in Brisbane for research stays up to 12 months at UQ
To facilitate the co-supervision of participating TUM candidates, the TUM-GS will provide an additional budget of max. 2,000 EUR to the home research group/chair after completion of the 12 months research stay at UQ by the participating candidate. The budget can be used to e.g.cover travel expenses for the co-supervisor from UQ to participate in the oral examination at TUM.
The Research@UQ Grant may be combined with other TUM-GS internationalization funding schemes.
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
Please find an overview of frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the TUM-UQ Research Exchange Program below:
My TUM supervisor does not have any existing contacts with faculty members at UQ. Can I still apply for the program?
Yes, you are very welcome to apply for the program. However, as the acceptance of a host at UQ is a requirement for application, you need to find a faculty member (usually a professor) at UQ who is willing to be your host. You can find all contact details and research areas of professors at UQ directly on the website of the respective schools. Please contact a potential host with your CV and motivation letter directly. In any case, you should discuss your choice of host with your TUM supervisor before applying for the program.
I am employed by my chair/research group at TUM, may I apply for the program and the Research@UQ Grant?
If your TUM supervisor/your boss agrees, you may of course apply for the program. Please bear in mind to discuss your options (e.g. Fortbildungsreise) with your supervisor/boss as soon as possible. After admission into the Joint Supervision Program, you have to take care of your e.g. Fortbildungsreiseantrag etc.
I have a scholarship, may I apply for the program and the Research@UQ Grant?
If your TUM supervisor agrees, you may apply for the program. However, please inform yourself as soon as possible, whether your scholarship provider may have its own specific regulations about research stays abroad and the continuation of your scholarship payment during your stay at UQ.
I am an "external" doctoral candidate, may I apply for the program and the Research@UQ Grant?
If your TUM supervisor agrees, you may apply for the program. However, please discuss your plans with your employer to find out whether there are any objections.
Is the number of exchange candidates limited?
There are up to three exchange placements per year for TUM applicants in the program.
May I split my 12-month research stay at UQ into several shorter periods?
You can split your research stay into several shorter periods if your supervisors at TUM and UQ agree to your plans. However, you will be awarded the travel support only once.
I wish to do a shorter research stay at UQ. May I still apply for the program?
The Joint Supervision Program with its benefits is only open to TUM doctoral candidates who wish to do a minimum 12-months research stay at UQ. Only in exceptional and justifiable cases, it is possible to shorten the stay up to 10 months.
May I submit my application after the official program application deadline?
There are four preferred intakes per year at UQ that coincide with the onboarding events and courses. If you are planning to start your research at UQ at a different time, please consider that the admission procedure may take up to three months.
After application, when will I receive the outcome of my application?
After the application, applicants shall usually be informed of the application outcome within 6-8 weeks. However, the decision procedure may be prolonged due to incompleteness of application documents or public vacations.
What are the anticipated expenses for the Joint Supervision Program?
As part of an official exchange program, you are not required to pay any tuition fees at UQ. However, you need to cover other expenses like visa, accommodation, travel, food, books and teaching materials (if needed), insurance etc. yourself. Successful TUM Joint Supervision candidates will receive the TUM-GS Research@UQ Grant of 400 Euro per month to support your expenses in Brisbane and 1000 Euro travel support.
How and when will I receive the Research@UQ Grant?
In case of a successful admission, you will receive the first share of the Research@UQ Grant after your arrival in Brisbane to your German bank account. In order to receive the grant, please send us a copy of your flight ticket/boarding pass and payment receipt within the first month of your research stay at Brisbane. The first share will include the 1,000 Euro travel support and 1,200 Euro for the first three months of your research at UQ. Depending on whether you will split the 12 months research stay or not, you will either get a monthly payment of the 400 Euro starting from month 4 or receive the remaining grant in several shares according to your schedule. Please note that the Research@UQ Grant must be mentioned in your final application for travel costs reimbursement at the TUM travel office and/or when applying for the TUM-GS internationalization support. The amount received within the Research@UQ Grant will be charged against the overall expenses.
Besides the Research@UQ Grant are there any other funding options?
TUM research/teaching associates and scholarship holders are usually applicable to apply for the TUM-GS Internationalization Support. Please visit the section on "Research Stay Abroad" on the TUM-GS website for further information. Please note that TUM-external institutions, e.g. the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) also offer own scholarship programs for research stays abroad.
I need to cancel or shorten my research stay at UQ. What will happen with my Research@UQ Grant?
If you need to cancel your research stay within the first three months after you have started your research at UQ, you will have to repay the entire Research@UQ Grant to the TUM Graduate School. You may be exempt from the repayment if you are able to provide a good cause for cancellation (incl. proof of evidence). If you have to shorten your research stay but your research stay is still longer than 10 months at UQ, you do not need to repay the Research@UQ Grant.
I do not wish to participate in the official program but want to do a shorter/longer individual research stay at UQ. May I still apply for the Research@UQ Grant?
No, the Research@UQGrant is exclusively for candidates in the TUM-UQ Joint Supervision Program. If you wish to do a minimum 3-months research stay at UQ you may be interested in the TUM-UQ Research Exchange Program. If you would like to stay less than 3 months at UQ, you are always welcome to arrange any individual research stays that are beneficial for your doctoral research.
TUM-UQ Research Exchange
Besides the Joint Supervision Program, the TUM Graduate School has also established a research exchange program for doctoral candidates. Unlike the Joint Supervision Program, participation is not limited to those doctoral candidates with existing research collaborations with the UQ. Instead, the Research Exchange Program provides short-term mobility options without the requirement of joint academic co-supervision of the entire doctoral thesis.
Key program details
Doctoral candidates participating in the research exchange will be enrolled as non-award doctoral candidates at the University of Queensland for research stays of 3-6 months. They are not charged any tuition fees.
Exchange candidates will have supervision at the UQ and, for the period of the visit, access to UQ library, laboratory, and other resources comparable to locally-enrolled doctoral candidates.
Exchange candidate's progression, thesis supervision and examination will remain the principal responsibility of the TUM supervisor and academic department. At the completion of the exchange program, exchange candidates will be provided with a joint TUM-UQ certificate confirming their participation in the research exchange program, but will not be awarded a joint/double degree or academic transcript.
The TUM-UQ Research Exchange is open to TUM doctoral candidates from all disciplines. In order to be eligible for the program the applicant must:
- have the approval/support from the TUM supervisor
- have found a supervisor at UQ
- be a regular member of the TUM Graduate School
- have attended the TUM Graduate School Kick-Off Seminar
- have passed the interim evaluation/feedback talk at the time of anticipated exchange start date
- meet UQ’s English language proficiency requirements. (if you are unable to provide test results please contact the Exchange Advisor listed below)
In order to apply for the program, please
- Contact one of UQ's Schools/Institutes to discuss your interest in visiting UQ as a research exchange candidate and determine if there is a suitable advisor for you.
- Once the School/Institute invites you to apply, you will need to complete the Application for Research Study Exchange form and write a motivation letter, as well as submit an academic CV and an evidence of English language proficiency.
- Send all required application documents to the Program Exchange Liaison Officer at the TUM Graduate School.
- Upon approval of the application by TUM, the UQ Graduate School will issue an offer letter and package.
There are two preferred intakes each year in January and July:
- The deadline to apply for a January start date will be 1st of September.
- The deadline to apply for a July start date is 1st of March.
Outgoing TUM doctoral candidates participating in the TUM-UQ Research Exchange Program may apply for the exclusiv Exchange@UQ Grant consisting of:
- one-time travel support of 1,000 Euro (based on the actual flight price)
- 1,200 EUR in total to support accommodation and living expenses in Brisbane for the entire research stay of 3-6 months at UQ
In order to apply for the Exchange@UQ Grant, please submit the Exchange@UQ Grant Application Form together with the other program application documents (e.g. confirmation of stay) to the Program Exchange Liaison Officer at the TUM Graduate School.
The Exchange@UQ Grant may be combined with other TUM-GS internationalization funding schemes.
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
Please find an overview of frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the TUM-UQ Research Exchange Program below:
My TUM supervisor does not have any existing contacts with faculty members at UQ. Can I still apply for the program?
Yes, you are very welcome to apply for the program. However, as the acceptance of a host at UQ is a requirement for application, you need to find a faculty member (usually a professor) at UQ who is willing to be your host. You can find all contact details and research areas of professors at UQ directly on the website of the respective schools. Please contact a potential host with your CV and motivation letter directly. In any case, you should discuss your choice of host with your TUM supervisor before applying for the program.
I am employed by my chair/research group at TUM, may I apply for the program and the Exchange@UQ Grant?
If your TUM supervisor/your boss agrees, you may of course apply for the program. Please bear in mind to discuss your options (e.g. Fortbildungsreise) with your supervisor/boss as soon as possible. After admission into the Exchange Program, you have to take care of your e.g. Fortbildungsreiseantrag etc.
I have a scholarship, may I apply for the program and the Exchange@UQ Grant?
If your TUM supervisor agrees, you may apply for the program. However, please inform yourself as soon as possible whether your scholarship provider may have its own specific regulations about research stays abroad and the continuation of your scholarship payment during your stay at UQ.
I am an "external" doctoral candidate, may I apply for the program and the Exchange@UQ Grant?
If your TUM supervisor agrees, you may apply for the program. However, please discuss your plans with your employer to find out whether there are any objections.
Is the number of exchange candidates limited?
There are up to five exchange placements per year for TUM applicants in the program.
May I do several exchange stays at UQ?
You can only do a one-time research stay at UQ within the program. However, you are always welcome to arrange any individual research stays that are beneficial for your doctoral research. However, program benefits will only apply for official program candidates.
I wish to do a shorter research stay at UQ. May I still apply for the program?
The exchange program with its benefits is only open to TUM doctoral candidates who wish to do a minimum 3-months research stay at UQ. Only in exceptional and justifiable cases it is possible to shorten the stay up to six weeks.
May I split the 3-6 months research stay into several shorter research periods?
In very exceptional cases, you may split the required exchange period of 3-6 months into several shorter research stays. However, you will only be awarded with the Exchange@UQ Grant once.
May I submit my application after the official program application deadline?
There are two preferred intakes per year at UQ that coincide with the start of the fall and spring semester. If you are planning to start your research at UQ at a different time, please consider that the recognition procedure may take up to three months.
After application, when will I receive the outcome of my application?
After the application deadline, applicants shall usually be informed of the application outcome within 6-8 weeks. However, the decision procedure may be prolonged due to incompleteness of application documents or public vacations.
What are the anticipated expenses for the research exchange?
As part of an official exchange program, you are not required to pay any tuition fees at UQ. However, you need to cover other expenses like visa, accommodation, travel, food, books, teaching materials (if needed), insurance, etc., yourself. Successful TUM program candidates will receive the TUM-GS Exchange@UQ Grant of 1200 Euro in total to support your expenses in Brisbane and 1000 Euro travel support.
How and when will I receive the Exchange@UQ Grant?
In case of a successful admission, you will receive the Exchange@UQ Grant after you arrive in Brisbane to your German bank account. To receive the grant, please send us a copy of your flight ticket/boarding pass and a payment receipt within the first month of your research stay in Brisbane. Please note that the Exchange@UQ Grant must be mentioned in your final application for travel costs reimbursement at the TUM travel office and/or when applying for the TUM-GS internationalization support. The amount received within the Exchange@UQ Grant will be charged against the overall expenses.
Besides the Exchange@UQ Grant are there any other funding options?
TUM research/teaching associates and scholarship holders are usually eligible to apply for the TUM-GS Internationalization Support. Please visit the "Research Stay Abroad" section on the TUM-GS website for further information. Please note that TUM-external institutions, e.g. the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) also offer their own scholarship programs for research stays abroad.
I need to cancel or shorten my research stay at UQ. What will happen with my Exchange@UQ Grant?
If you need to cancel your research stay within the first three months after starting your research at UQ, you will have to repay the entire Exchange@UQ Grant to the TUM Graduate School. You may be exempt from the repayment if you can provide a good cause for cancellation (incl. proof of evidence). If you have to shorten your research stay but your research stay is still longer than 3 months at UQ, you do not need to repay the Exchange@UQ Grant.
I wish to take my family with me to UQ. Does the TUM-GS offer any family support?
You may apply for the TUM-GS Family Mobility Allowance. The TUM-GS Family Mobility Allowance is a monthly allowance for immediate family members accompanying the doctoral candidate during his*her research stay at UQ.
I do not wish to participate in the official program but want a shorter/longer individual research stay at UQ. May I still apply for the Exchange@UQ Grant?
No, the Exchange@UQGrant is exclusively for TUM-UQ Research Exchange Program candidates.
Getting to Brisbane and Settling In
It is highly recommended to read UQ's International Student Guide to familiarize yourself with visas, health insurance and other key information about living and studying in Australia. A short guide with general information about arriving in Brisbane is also available for your review.
Upon arrival participating TUM candidates will be provided with a local health and safety orientation. This will include some face to face and some online modules (such as fire training). At this induction any additional training will be identified. This may include training such as:
- Animal Ethics online training. Participating TUM candidates will also be provided with hands on training in the procedures they will be using by relevant experienced staff before proceeding with animal work.
- Online Biological Safety training
- Chemical Safety online training
Other types of training may also be required and will be discussed with you by your host supervisor.
Once enrolled you can use the UQ system to book an airport transfer. Alternative ways to get to and from the airport are also available.
Information on accommodation options at UQ can be found through UQ's Accommodation website. Please use the Brisbane Translink website to assess the travel distance from campus. Some accommodation providers UQ recommends:
Company | Website |
Unilodge | https://unilodge.com.au/ |
The PAD | http://www.padrooms.com.au/ |
Student One | http://studentone.com/ |
Urbanest | http://urbanest.com.au/ |
Iglu | http://www.iglu.com.au/ |