
Call for Proposals: EuroTech Summer Schools

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The EuroTech Alliance is funding selected summer/winter schools, organized by doctoral candidates from the EuroTech Universities. The objective of this project is to enhance exchange between the partner institutions.

The course should contain the following attributes:

  • Candidates acquire knowledge at the cutting edge of science & technology
  • Community building including exchanges between PhD candidates and faculty

If you would like to organize your own international Summer School, please follow the instructions in the <link file:1781>Call for Proposal and use the <link file:1775>proposal form to apply. You can also find the documents on our <link en doctoral-candidates internationalization eurotech-alliance>EuroTech website section.

Deadline for proposals: October 31st, 2017

Prior Calls

In the last round, EuroTech doctoral candidates received funding for the organization of two Winter Schools:


The EuroTech Universities Alliance is a strategic partnership of four leading technical universities in Europe: Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) and TUM.

Visit our website for further information on GlobalTech, our joint course database and the Joint Doctoral Supervision Program.