
Dissertation Writers' Workshop

Kurse & Veranstaltungen |

This workshop series helps you refine your English writing through short lectures, discussions, group work, and individual feedback from the instructor. The sessions go beyond mere questions of ‘correct’ grammar and word choice and emphasize instead stylistic principles of forceful and clear scientific writing in English.

“Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.”– Albert Einstein

The workshops are a forum to learn through the successes and stumbling blocks of your fellow dissertation writers. Think of it as a colloquium of sorts – where we critique each other’s rhetoric and style rather than research. As the topics build on one another, you will benefit most from attending all sessions. The sessions should prove engaging for PhD candidates from any language background – even native English speakers!

Title: Dissertation Writers' Workshop
Trainer: Jeremiah Hendren
Date: 01.12.2016 - 26.01.2017, on Thursdays, 10:00 – 12:15
Course Fees: free of charge
Location: TUM Graduate School, Boltzmannstr. 17, 85748 Garching

You can complement these workshops with free one-to-one sessions at the English Writing Center or through the English Coaching Program, where you can delve more deeply into individual writing challenges: www.tum.de/academic-english.

The workshops draw heavily on Joseph Williams’s classic book „Style: Lessons inClarity and Grace“. Participants will benefit from reading this book as preparation.